US election - Biden needs 6 electoral votes, to reach the presidency,
امریکا میں صدارتی انتخاب کے نتائج سامنے آنے کے بعد ڈیموکریٹک امیدوار جوبائیڈن جیت کے انتہائی قریب پہنچ گئے۔
امریکی عہدہ صدارت پر براجمان ہونے اور وائٹ ہاؤس کا مہمان بننے کے لیے صدارتی امیدوار کو 270 الیکٹورل ووٹ درکار ہیں۔
,Democratic candidate Joe Biden came very close to victory after the results of the US presidential, election came out.
The presidential candidate, needs 270 electoral votes to run for the US presidency, and be a guest of the White House.
According to foreign media, Democratic candidate Joe Biden has, received 264 electoral votes and Republican, candidate US President Trump has received 214 electoral, votes so far.
US Election 2020 - Who are the Democratic and Republican, presidential candidates?
According to US media, Biden has won 16 electoral votes, from Michigan, bringing, his tally to 264, leaving Biden with only six votes to reach, the White House.
Votes are still being counted in the, United States, with results from only five states remaining.
The number of electoral, votes in these four states is 56, so even if he wins, in all four states, Trump's electoral votes will be 268, which is 2 votes less for the presidency.
According to US media, Biden is leading, in one state and Trump in four, while in Nevada, with six electoral votes, Biden is ahead of Trump.
Trump leads, Pennsylvania North Carolina, Georgia and Alaska with 75 percent of the vote counted, in Nevada, with Biden leading, by 8,000 votes.
Democratic candidate, Joe Biden has won 29 electoral votes from, New York and 9 electoral votes from Colorado.
US President Trump, has won 3 electoral votes from South Dakota, and 3 electoral votes from North Dakota, while Trump, has also won 9 electoral votes, from Alabama.
Biden won with 7 votes from Oregon, 12 from Washington and 55 from California.
Democrats have won, the state of Arizona, where Trump, won the 2016 election, according to US media.
Trump received 18 electoral, votes from the state of Ohio and 38 electoral votes, from Texas.
"Our position across the United States, looks strong," Trump said in a statement on social media.
According to US media, Donald Trump, has succeeded in Indiana, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Kentucky.
The presidential election has taken a dramatic, turn and Biden is winning in 3 swing states, including Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada, Arizona.
Democrats also rule the House of Representatives,
On the other hand, the results of 435 seats in the US House, of Representatives are also coming out, in which Democrats, have won 204 seats and Republicans, 190 seats, while 218 seats are needed to control the House.
It is to be noted that Donald Trump, has announced to go to the Supreme Court, before the full results, claiming victory in the election, as well as accusing him of fraud.
Trump says the results have stopped, coming in. It is not possible for votes to be received, and counted after the polls, are over, to say the least.
Democrat candidate, Joe Biden says the contest will not end until, the last vote is counted, and he is on track to win.
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