US election 2020 - Millions of voters urged to stay home on polling day FBI to investigate mysterious calls

امریکہ کا تفتیشی  ادارہ فیڈرل بیورو  آف انویسٹیگیشن  (ایف بی آئی)  لاکھوں امریکی ووٹرز  کو موصول ہونے  والی اس پراسرار  فون کال کی  تحقیقات کر رہا ہے جس میں  ووٹرز کو انتخاب کے  دن ووٹ ڈالنے  کے بجائے گھروں  پر رہنے کی تاکید کی  گئی تھی۔

The U.S. Federal Bureau, of Investigation, (FBI) is  investigating a mysterious, phone call received by million,s of American voters urging voters, to stay  home instead of voting, on election day.

Millions of American, voters have reportedly received robotic calls urging them to  stay safe and stay at home.

With the polls close, results are now coming, out in the United States, with  Republican nominee Donald Trump, and Democratic nominee Joe Biden, battling it out.

However, it is unknown, at this time what he will do after, leaving the post. Although some citizens, received these calls, they did not mention voting.

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