Voting  for the  US presidential  election  continues

امریکی صدارتی  انتخاب میں  موجودہ صدر  اور ری پبلیکن  امیدوار ٹرمپ  اور ڈیموکریٹک  امیدوار جوبائیڈن  کے درمیان  سخت مقابلہ ہے  جب کہ مختلف  انتخابی جائزوں(پولز)  میں  جوبائیڈن  کو ٹرمپ  پر واضح 
برتری حاصل ہے۔

Voting for the 59th presidential election, continues in the United States.

Voting for the presidential, election is underway across the United States and there are queue,s of voters at polling stations.

Voting in the various states, which began on Tuesday, morning, will continue until Wednesday, morning, first in a small town in the state of New Hampshire, near the Canadian border.

Why are elections held ,on Tuesday in the United States?

Experts predict higher-than-expected, turnout this time around, with more than 100 million, Americans exercising their right to vote through early voting and mail.

President Trump cast his ballot in, Florida on October 24 before the election, and his rival Joe Biden cast his ballot on October 28.

According to the report, 45% of those, who cast their ballots early are Democrats who, support Biden, while 30.5% support Republicans who support, Donald Trump.

In the US presidential, election, there is a fierce competition between the incumbent, President and Republican, candidate Trump and the Democratic candidate Joe Biden, while in various polls, Joe Biden has a clear lead, over Trump.

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