Presidential election - Twitter removes Trump's tweet, Facebook and Instagram, also take action
ٹوئٹر، انسٹاگرام اور فیس بک نے امریکی صدر ڈونلڈ ٹرمپ کی جانب صدارتی انتخابات میں جیت کا دعویٰ کرنے کی تردید کر دی ہے۔
Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, have denied that US President, Donald Trump, has won the presidential, election.
Addressing, a public rally, US President Donald Trump, claimed that despite, all the reservations, we have won the election, and are ready to celebrate, a great victory.
The US President, has claimed victory before the results, of the presidential, election, while the counting, of votes for the presidential, election is still underway.
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