The isolation of the national squad was eased after contacts between the Pakistan Cricket Board and New Zealand Cricket.

پاکستان کرکٹ بورڈ اور نیوزی لینڈ کرکٹ میں رابطے کے بعد قومی اسکواڈ کے آئسولیشن میں نرمی کردی گئی۔

آئسولیشن میں نرمی کےبعد نیوزی لینڈ میں موجود قومی اسکواڈ کو دوبارہ چہل قدمی کی اجازت مل گئی ہے، جن اسکواڈ ممبرز کے مسلسل دو ٹیسٹ منفی آچکے انہیں چہل قدمی کی اجازت دی گئی ہے۔

سرفراز سمیت 6 کھلاڑیوں میں کورونا کی تشخیص

After easing isolation, the national squad in New Zealand has been allowed to walk again. Squad members who have failed two consecutive tests have been allowed to walk.

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Members of the national squad will walk in the grounds adjacent to the hotel, sports staff and athletes can walk at specific times for their respective groups, while squad members are also allowed to go to the balconies where they interact. Can do

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has also requested New Zealand to start the training of national players soon.

The national team's next Corona Test will now take place on November 30.

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