India, US Defense Agreement - Can the US give India access to maps, of sensitive areas of Pakistan?

Last week, India and the United States, recently signed a defense agreement, called the Basic Exchange, and Cooperation Agreement (BECA), which would, allow the exchange of sensitive data obtained from satellites, and maps between the two countries.

گذشتہ  ہفتے انڈیا  اور امریکہ  نے حال ہی  میں ’بیسک ایکسچینج  اینڈ کوآپریشن ایگریمنٹ‘ (بیکا)  نامی ایک  دفاعی معاہدے  پر دستخط کیے  ہیں جس کے  تحت دونوں  مملک      کے درمیان  سیٹلائیٹ اور نقشوں  سے حاصل کیے گئے حساس ڈیٹا کا تبادلہ  ممکن ہو سکے گا۔

Pakistan and China, have expressed, reservations about the agreement. A statement, issued by Pakistan's Foreign Office said that the provision, of advanced technology, and intelligence by the United States to India would lead, to a power imbalance in the region.

Agreement to make Indian, missiles many times more destructive,

The recent agreement, is the third and final step in agreements, between the, United States, and India to enhance defense, cooperation, under which the two countries, will work together to provide,geo-special' high-quality images, maps and Will be able to exchange data related, to maritime, boundaries.

Earlier, in August 2016, the two countries signed the Logistics Exchange Memorandum, of Agreement (LEMOA), which provides for the provision, of services from one country's army to another, from airports, and ports  and other services. They will be allowed, to use each other's defenses.

Similarly, during the Two Plus Two Dialogu,' in Delhi in 2018, a Communication, and Information, Security Agreement was signed to provide, secret and secure communication, networks for Indian, and US military, commanders, their aircraft and other equipment. It has become, easier to exchange, information on

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