An ultimatum, to the Bangladeshi government, to sever ties with, France within 24 hours,

بنگلادیش کے  دارالحکومت ڈھاکا  میں ملک کی  سب سے  بڑی مذہبی  جماعت ’حفاظت اسلام‘  نے گستاخانہ  خاکوں کے خلاف  احتجاج  میں حکومت کو 24  گھنٹوں میں فرانس  سے سفارتی  تعلقات منقطع  کرنے کا  الٹی میٹم  دے دیا۔

In the  Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka,  the  country's largest, religious party   Hifazat-e-Islam, gave  the government, an ultimatum to sever diplomatic, ties with  France, within 24 hours in protest, of the blasphemous, images.

In the Bangladeshi, capital,  Dhaka, thousands of people, took part in a protest, march from  the main mosque, Baitul Mukarram, against blasphemous, images  by the religious, group Hifazat-e-Islam.

Demonstrators, marched to the French, embassy in Bangladesh, where  protests, erupted.

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