US Presidential Election 2020: Trump and Biden's Last Presidential Debate
Republican presidential candidate and incumbent President Donald Trump will run against former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden in the November 3 US presidential election. The second and final presidential debate between the two candidates took place in Nashville, Tennessee.
The 90-minute debate was hosted by NBC News Channel correspondent Kirsten Welker, who asked questions of both candidates one by one and was given two minutes to answer.
The two presidential candidates did not shake hands before the debate began due to adherence to the rules of social distance due to the corona virus.
The second and final discussion discussed code 19, national security, American families, racism, climate change, and leadership skills.
It should be noted that the first of the three debates for the presidency on the agenda took place on September 30 in Ohio, while the second debate on October 15 in Miami, Florida was canceled.
تین نومبر کو امریکہ میں ہونے والے صدارتی انتخاب کے لیے ریپبلکن امیدوار اور موجودہ صدر ڈونلڈ ٹرمپ کا مقابلہ ڈیموکریٹک پارٹی سے تعلق رکھنے والے سابق نائب صدر جوبائیڈن سے ہو گا۔ اسی سلسلے میں دونوں امیدواروں کے درمیان دوسرا اور آخری صدارتی مباحثہ ریاست ٹینیس ی کے شہر نیشول میں ہوا۔
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