The opposition will not get any concessions, Prime Minister

اسلام آباد:  وزیراعظم  عمران خان  کی  زیر صدارت  وفاقی  وزراء کا  اجلاس  ہوا جس  میں ملکی  سیاسی  صورت حال  پر غور  کیا  گیا۔

ISLAMABAD: A meeting of federal ministers was held under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Imran Khan in which the political situation in the country was discussed.

Addressing the meeting, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that the government would not indulge in any kind of blackmail, corruption cases would be brought to a logical conclusion in any case.

Prime Minister Imran Khan said that the opposition would not get any concession, a full response would be given to the statement against the opposition institutions.

The Prime Minister directed that violators of the law be dealt with severely.

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