Corona virus - One more month, of lockdown announced, in the UK due to the increasing number of victims,
برطانیہ میں کورونا وائرس کے بڑھتے ہوئے خدشے کے پیش نظر اور متاثرین کی تعداد دس لاکھ سے بڑھنے کے باعث برطانوی وزیر اعظم بورس جانسن نے انگلینڈ میں دوبارہ ایک ماہ کا طویل لاک ڈاؤن نافذ کرنے کا اعلان کیا ہے۔
British Prime, Minister Boris Johnson, has announced, a month-long lockdown, in the UK, amid growing fears of the corona, virus and the number, of victims exceeding one million.
The prime minister, said the move was necessary, to avoid a medical and moral catastroph due to the growing number of victims in the country,and the burden, on the National Health Service.
He said unnecessary shops, restaurants and bars would remain ,closed from Thursday, but schools, colleges and universities would remain, open unlike in the spring.
He said that the restrictions ,imposed under the recent lockdown, would be relaxed, from December 2 and normalc,y would be restored in the areas, under a phased system.
The Prime Minister, of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson said Christmas, in the country will be a little different this year, maybe a lot different, but I sincerely hope, and hope that by adopting, drastic measures we will Allow them to come together
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