What happened to this derailed train?

A high-speed train derailed in the Netherlands, but fortunately no major accident occurred.

نیدرلینڈ میں  ایک تیز  رفتار ٹرین  پٹری سے  اتر گئی  تاہم خوش  قسمتی سے  کوئی بڑا حادثہ  رونما  نہیں ہوا۔

The incident took, place in Rotterdam, where the local train, was about to take a detour, and return home, but it derailed and, broke through, the fence, but was stopped, by a giant whale-tail statue.

A high-speed train, derailed in the Netherlands, but fortunately, no major, accident occurred. Photo- AFP

The front of the train, came to a stop at the tail of the whale, and the train was safe from falling down. 10 meters below is the cycling track, where people cycle.

Authorities say, the train driver, had already jumped and was, being treated, at the hospital for minor, injuries.

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