Proponents of her, case have been, working to make, the actual transcript, of   this statement  available, online

امریکی  انتخابات  صرف دودن کی  دوری پر ہیں  اور سیاسی  گرما گرمی  میں اضافہ ہورہا ہے  جبکہ مختلف  علاقوں میں  کارکنوں کے درمیان  لڑائی جھگڑے  بھی دیکھے  جارہے ہیں۔

The US elections, are just two days, away and the political ,heat is on the rise with clashes between, activists in various areas.

According to,  foreign media, a large rally was being, held by Trump supporters, in Beverly  Hills, California,  USA, during which they were confronted,  by a black rights rally.

According to the report, both sides chanted slogans against each other and the protesters on both sides fought in a rage. The protesters used sticks, kicks and punches on each other freely, injuring several people.

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