Austrian authorities acknowledge intelligence failure in Vienna attacks
برطانوی نشریاتی ادارے کے مطابق آسٹریا کے حکام نے ویانا میں دہشتگرد حملے میں 4 شہریوں کی ہلاکت کے واقعے کو اپنی انٹیلی جنس ناکامی تسلیم کرتے ہوئے شہر کے انسداد دہشتگردی چیف کو عہدے سے ہٹادیا۔
Vienna - Austrian authorities have acknowledged their intelligence failure in the Vienna attacks.
According to the British Broadcasting Corporation, the Austrian authorities, acknowledging the failure of their intelligence in the killing of four civilians in the terrorist attack in Vienna, removed the city's anti-terrorism chief.
Police say the head of Vienna's anti-terrorism department has been suspended at his own request.
Terrorist attacks in the Austrian capital Vienna, 4 people killed
According to media reports, it has already come to light that a warning was issued to Austrians in July stating that a suspect had tried to buy arms and ammunition from Slovakia.
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