Tayyip Erdogan, How did the son, of a Coast Guard become ,Turkey quarrelsome' president?

ایک متوسط  گھرانے, میں پرورش پانے والے, طیب رجب  اردوغان وقت کے ساتھ ساتھ سیاست کے ایک, بھاری  بھرکم پہلوان بن چکے, ہیں۔ جدید ترکی  کے بانی مصطفیٰ کمال اتاترک کے  بعد وہ واحد ایسے رہنما کے, طور پر  سامنے آئے ہیں جس نے ترکی  کی تشیکیل نو, کسی بھی دوسرے  ترک رہنما کے, مقابلے میں سب سے زیادہ   کی ہے۔

Raised in a  middle, class family, Tayyip  Recep  Tayyip, Erdogan has become, a heavyweight  in politic,s over time. After      Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern, Turkey, he has emerged  as the only leader, who has reorganized, Turkey more than any other  Turkish, leader.

Turkey's economy has , been in decline for the  past few years. The inflation, rate in the country, is about 12 percent and two days ago the Turkish, lira  depreciated further, against the US dollar. The second ,Corona virus epidemic, is adding to Turkey's economic woes.

When Tayyip Erdogan ,came  to power in March 2003, the lira rate was, 1.6 per US dollar, or about  US ع 1 per Turkish lira. But today the situation, is that  you get one US dollar for about eight Turkish lira. In his early years,  in power, Turkey's gross domestic product, (GDP) had  grown significantly

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