Afghan peace process - Al-Qaeda, joins Taliban, in Afghanistan, UN official, warns


رواں سال ,کے اوائل می ,امریکہ اور طالبان کے   درمیان ایک تاریخی, معاہدہ طے  پایا تھا لیکن اس کے, باوجود اقوام  متحدہ, کے ایک اہلکار نے ,,بی بی سی  کو بتایا ہے کہ افغانستان, میں القاعدہ طالبان, کی  صفوں میں بھرپو,ر طریقے  سے ,شامل ہے۔

,A landmark agreement, was reached between, the United States and the Taliban, earlier this year, but a UN official, told the BBC, that al-Qaeda, was fully in the ,Taliban's ranks, in Afghanistan.

The US-Taliban, agreement promised, a complete withdrawal, of U  ,forces by next summer, provided the Taliban, ensure that al-Qaeda and other, extremist groups do not use Afghan, territory for ,international attacks.

Edmund Fitton, Brown is the coordinator, of the so-called IslamicState, al-Qaeda ,and Taliban, monitoring, team at the United Nations. He told the BBC, that the Taliban, had promised, after an agreement, with the United States that al-Qaeda, and they would remain allies.

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